We got 3 new rainbows for the 55 gallon over the weekend and one is already doing the mating dance! One is a Red Rainbowfish (m) and the other 2 are a pair of Blehers Rainbows. The male Bleher is the "happy" one, but the female shows no interest at this point. They are young, maybe she is just not ready. Eventually, I will need to find a mate or two for "Red", so there is no cross-breeding (that is if any eggs can survive the 3 clown loaches and their hearty appetites). The tank is being converted from white gravel to black gravel and is halfway done. The overall tank is difficult to clean, I think less feeding is in order. The Rainbows and Loaches seem to really prefer the black, and the old Boesemani Rainbow (f) has gotten a shade of purple on her front half. I take this as meaning she is happy with the substrate and her new tankmates. The morning will bring a water change, which will include some vacuuming. Maybe this will put the females in better spirits for the guys. Oh, by the way, I will be posting my fish info and probably some helpful tips/articles on the Fishbone page that I started. Please visit that site as well and add comments...

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